Softguard the integrated security software system of alarm events monitoring for condos and gates communities

The SoftGuard system receives and manages alarm events from fixed targets (residences, administrative offices, sports centers, service dependencies, etc.) and mobile targets (motor vehicles, motorcycles, ATVs, patrol phones for private surveillance, smartphones, etc.).

SoftGuard is installed in a Control Center that operates 24/7 from where it interacts with different equipment and electronic devices, allowing the attention of alarm events (theft, panic, medical emergency, access control of people, video verification, among others)  for its validation and subsequent referral to the competent authorities (Police, Private Security services, Fire department, medical services, maintenance services, etc.)

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Comprehensive alarm events monitoring system for gated communities closed neighborhoods

The SoftGuard package includes all the alarm events reception devices, hardware and the “ready to go” software system. SoftGuard Pack, telephonic, radio cell phone network receiver, operator training and after sales technical support.

The alarms events coming from homes are received by the alarm receiver, which validates the event and confirms to the alarm panel installed in the protected site that the report is already at the monitoring central and being attended.

This receiver is connected to a computer where the SoftGuard system is installed, which will show to the operator the alarm event to be managed. When doing so, the system informs the type of alarm to be attended (theft, panic, medical emergency, deactivation of the alarm after hours, fence perimeter intrusion etc.).

All procedures performed by the operator: telephone calls, technical verifications, notification to owners and authorities are registered in the SoftGuard system for subsequent control and audit.

SoftGuard system additional controls

Alarm panel activations and deactivations  for people  entry and exit  control for each house:Showing in each case the user data (person) enabled (including in addition to the owners or tenants, cleaning service, gardening, etc.) each of which will have a personal password to activate or deactivate the alarm panel. In case the activations or deactivations are carried out outside the pre set ranges, the system will warn the operator of this irregularity for its control.

Test of the alarm panel correct functioning: Every 24 hours or as often as desired. The alarm panel will send a signal of correct operation, which will be received at the monitoring system. In case of absence of this signal, the SoftGuard system will inform the operator for the respective control and technical verification.

Automated reports to owners

Email sent of the alarm reports: the SoftGuard system will send with the desired periodicity (weekly, biweekly, monthly, etc.) a report via e-mail to the owner of the alarms received from its home (being able to filter it by: emergency alarms, alarms of non-emergency, openings and closures or all of them).

Alarm events notification via SMS: The owner may request to be notified via SMS when an alarm event is received at the monitoring central from its home. Same as the report via e-mail, it is possible to set what types of alarm events to be sent by this mean: entry and exit, opening and closing, theft, panic, medical emergency or any other.

Communication means

Communication means can be of many types and a special analysis is done by each gated community or closed neighborhood indicating the technical recommendations to make the best decision. The main options are: Telephony, Radio, Internet (IP), GPRS, Satellite, among others.

There is no single recipe for effective protection of this type of community, but the application of the protection theory in “concentric circles” is usually the best result. 

In this theory, protection is developed in several stages:Exterior to the neighborhood, perimeter of the neighborhood, exterior to the dwelling and the dwelling. The latter is always satisfied with an intelligent alarm system (with automatic sensors) connected to a Control Center at the guard post. In this way any alarm event is recognized immediately by the security guards. In addition to copying the information to a Remote Control Center of the private security company.

Beyond the success or failure of the outer and perimeter circles, the monitored protection system of the home ensures protection to the owner, his family and his property.



SOS   – Fire – Assistance alerts sending from smartphones 24/7 everywhere.

Smartphones offer huge possibilities as personal emergency warning devices.

They allow multiplying the individual protection of the citizens at all times, whether its theft, fire, medical assistance, gender violence or to prevent them.

All the alerts sent by the gated community neighbors through their smartphones will be received at the monitoring center through the Internet or SMS to be attended by the operators immediately.

These events will be accompanied by the position of the device (GPS) by the the smartphone and at the SoftGuard Monitoring module it will be shown with allocation map to the operator.

The advanced video function will allow the user to send an image from the smartphone camera.

Each housing unit may have one or more applications enabled for alarms sending, after being downloaded from the apple market or play store, without the need to pay or buy an anti panic button.

The logo and background design of the application can be customized according to the gated community logo and/or corporate image.

The system consists of 2 applications:

1- SoftGuard SmartPanics web desktop module

For the management of linked Smartphones and signal processing, which is installed at the monitoring center.

2- APP (application)

To be installed on users’ smartphones.

Compatible with iOS (Apple), Android.



Online monitoring system for rounds, guards and response personnel control.

This powerful tool performs the control and complete audit of the guard’s/response personnel actions: position report validated via GPS, live alert alerts, incidents reports during the round, images sending captured from the same Smartphone, all this and much more received online at the monitoring center 24/7, 365 days a year.

VigiControl is a multi-link application that ensures the alerts sending, via TCP-IP, either by WI-FI or by cellular data network (GPRS-LTE), as well as SMS when the data network is not available.

The system consists of 2 applications:

1- The mobile application that has four main buttons: SOS – ROUND – LIVE MAN and NEWS.

It is possible to customize the background design with your brand logo, giving a uniform and corporate image.

2- The VigiControl Desktop Web SG module for the management of linked smartphones and signal processing at the monitoring center.

Available for Android.