Integral System of Alarms for educational  communities

SmartPanics · Alarm monitoring system

SoftGuard is a comprehensive alarm monitoring platform for schools and universities. The SoftGuard system receives and manages the alarms events coming from fi­xed targets (classrooms, administrative offices, auditoriums, library, etc.) and mobile targets (vehicles, guard’s patrols, etc.). With the SmartPanics module you can provide an integral monitoring solution for students and teachers.

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Panic button

SmartPanics · Alerts sent from Smartphones

Smartphones offer huge possibilities as personal emergency warning devices. They let you multiply the individual protection of students, teachers and staff when an incident is about to occur, whether they are in a dangerous situation, they need medical assistance, gender violence situation, or to help prevent them. The alerts sent by the students through their smartphones will be received at the university’s monitoring center via Internet or SMS to be attended by the operators immediately.

These events will include the position of the device by the internal GPS system of the smartphone and it will be shown to the operator on the map in the SoftGuard Monitoring module. The advanced video function will allow the user to send a picture of the incident from the smartphone’s camera. In addition, the application allows bidirectional audio sending through one-touch phone calls and SMS sending with the event data to be attended at the monitoring center.

Each student can count on the application once downloaded from the Stores or Markets corresponding to each company without the need to pay or buy an anti-panic button.



Send alerts at any time and from anywhere

My Alerts – Reporting system

Complaints panel inside the campus through the SmartPanics App. This system allows the user to make complaints through the SmartPanics app and be able to read them, as well as follow them up and manage them, allowing classifications, traceability and statistics development.

SmartPanics allows students to send an emergency message with their satellite position so they can be found and be assisted easily.

SmartPanics is useful if:

  • A student or teacher is compromised (theft, intruders on campus, fire, etc.).
  • An emergency situation occurs and they need immediate assistance.
  • An irregular situation on campus occurs.
  • Students’ parents want to know their kid’s location.
  • Bullying, violence, suspicious people, drugs sale, etc.

My messages

Through the SmartPanics APP the educational institution can send notifications by push messages to the entire community in the face of any particular situation like important notifications, special activities, registrations, and even disease prevention campaigns, etc. This service is included within the SmartPanics APP.

Anticipate and prevent to grant greater security – Safe route

SmartPanics has an “On my way” button that lets you be precautious and send an SOS alert with the possibility of canceling it in a period of time. It can let you know with a sound warning one minute before the times up to stop the sending of the effective alarm.

This function is very useful for students to mark a route from their houses to the university or the other way round in case they want to warn the monitoring center in advance for greater security.


VigiControl is the system for the rounds control with online monitoring for

Security guards and response personnel.

This powerful tool controls and audits the staff’s action inside the campus: position report validated via GPS, MAN ALIVE alert, incidents report displayed during the round, sending pictures from the smartphone. All this and much more received online at the monitoring central station 24/7, 365 days a year.

VigiControl is a multi-link application that ensures the alerts sending via TCP-IP, either by WI-FI or by data network connection (GPRS-LTE), as well as SMS sending when the data network is not available.

SOS: Send panic alerts that includes position, data and the possibility to attach an image.

Man Alive: It is a presence control. It consists of a button that will be randomly activated to be pushed to cancel the alarm sending. If it is not deactivated on time, an alert is generated and received at the monitoring center.

Round: Allows the guard to send an ARRIVAL or DEPARTURE notification each time he arrives or leaves his position, as well as when he passes through each check point defined for the round. The event includes date, time and the guard’s location on the map.

News: Allows sending news to the monitoring central station, attach information using an image, a QR code, text or voice notes and the chance to make direct calls via VoIP.

Assignments: It allows assigning a guard to an alarm event triggered from a specific fixed or mobile account. Once he is at the place, he can mark his arrival; send pictures, videos or audios clips to the monitoring center.