Global application for the communication of emergencies and management of incidents.

SmartPanics is a communication platform that allows the user to report incidents to the authorities in an easy and quick way with multiple control and management functions. The app has 5 completely customizable buttons: SOS alerts sending//Assistance everywhere//”Here I am” button to inform your current location//Fire alerts sending//”On my way” security, countdown timer to your destination.

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Click here to download the flyer “Global APP”

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Click here to watch a SmartPanics Video

Click here to see the video “Peace of mind at hand’s reach, this is SmartPanics”

Click here to see the video “When you’re protected with SmartPanics”

Click here to know how to sell SmartPanics

Click here to download FAQ SmartPanics

Click here to download  SmartPanics

Main functions:

My Alarms

The Panic Button on the Road allows a passive start, by a countdown timer or by estimated arrival time to destination. This last feature allows the sending of auto-photo during the route and immediate sending of the alert.

A customized message can be programmed to contacts indicating the initiated path and the time it will take to complete it. During the SOS or any other alarms, the system allows sending photos of the reel or to take pictures at the time of emergency with the smartphone front or rear camera. Besides, the user will have the possibility to record video and audio clips; make a one-touch call to the central station and send text messages. It is also possible to set pre-authorized automatic audio listening from the central station, and which buttons will appear visible and available for each user.

It is possible to configure in each user, what buttons are available.

SmartPanics has 5 buttons for sending alarm events, located on the main screen SOS / Panic- on the Road- Assistance- Fire – Here I am

Multimedia Security

With the alarm sending in progress, the SmartPanics APP allows the end user to perform several multimedia functions to communicate with the Monitoring Center.

  •  Send images captured with the smartphone camera.
  • Attach an audio note.
  • Send emails from a preset email account.
  • Make one touch calls (automatic).
  • Record a video and send it.
  • Send text messages to the monitoring center.

My Accounts

It provides access to al the users’ fixed monitoring accounts, able to visualize the last events, as reports or maps, with different filters by type and quantity of events. It also allows access to the account and display all the information such as general data, users, zones, contacts, schedules, calls, notifications, alarm panel info, etc.

My Vehicles

The customer can access to their monitored vehicles, view the last position of each one in a report or on a map, issue historical routes and events, manage data and report changes. This feature requires the TrackGuard module.

My Group

It allows unifying the control of family or working security, integrating the SmartPanics of multiple members into one set. They can be categorized either as member or administrator. Administrators can check current and historical position of the members and their events, define geofences and change the configuration. They can also set a maximum speed to generate an alert if said speed is exceeded. All the alerts are automatically notified through e-mail, SMS or Push to all the interested parties.

My Cameras

It allows the customer to access their own video sources such as IP cameras, DVR, NVR and any other device compatible with RTSP o D-GUARD. All the links to the videos can be chosen from a menu and displayed with live images (in real time). This feature requires the SG Video module (video verification).



Each app can be preset to report its location to the server according to a time-distance routine calculation, setting these 2 parameters for each unity however it’s convenient.  The administrators of a group can preset it on and off, as well as the units of time–distance of each member. The location report will run with the app on the background, even if the user is not using it.


With this menu, the user can establish the connection to the service, activate TEST, set event timers and alarm sounds, create a PIN to block unauthorized access,  check the operation LOGS and send it to the provider of the service to be checked, modify the TRACKING if administrator,  suggest new users to the system and read their service terms.

Users can define any number of geofences (inclusion or exclusion) for the members. They can be created from the administrators’ apps and the system uploads them and activates them on the members’ apps. Once geofences have been created, it is possible to define alerts via email and / or SMS to notify the concerned parties each time the user arrives or leaves each geofenced zone.

System Test
The final user can test the entire system from the test button. This function places the Smartphone on the map with the street name to confirm the GPS system works as it should. At the same time, this position is sent to the system server, receiving a confirmation if the communication is working properly and also indicates the communication method used by the app.


The App is able to send events notifications for each SmartPanics button to the contacts of who requests it, apart from the notifications system of the server. These notifications are sent by SMS and the system relates each button event with one or more contacts.

Push notifications

This service allows the monitoring center to notify through the famous ‘balloons’ all issues and interest matters to the final users. The administrator can receive all the alerts that have been sent by their group members through a push notification, being able also to receive security advices, account status, promotions, etc.