This App allows the technician to manage services and visits for new facilities, preventive and corrective services. Through it, you will be able to view the complete information of the service and the customer’s account and make the records of the work done. For the user company, it is a powerful tool to audit technical staff, validating their position via GPS and obtaining an incident report and on-line management carried out.


  • Task assignment
  • Chance of account status
  • Access to customer information
  • Control and reporting of position
  • Arrivals and departures notifications
  • Digital signature on work compliance
  • Management of technical service orders





The TecGuard App allows the technician:

Account: Consult the registered information for the selected account, being able to browse in each of the tabs that make up a monitoring account. Access to this information will be determined by the profile you have set for the user, from the Desktop system.

Situation: The monitoring account supports 4 possible scenarios: Enabled, Not Enabled, Test Mode, Zone Test, and Ask to Delete. The technician will only be able to change the situation to “on test” and “zone test”.

Latest events: The “Events” button will allow you to view the history of the last events received in the selected account.

Account data: It will allow you to consult all the reference information of the selected account being able to navigate in each of the tabs that make up a monitoring account.

Report: Allows you to view a Multi-Account Report, with the list with the last received events, in a certain period of time. This tool can be used to visualize events in real time, while performing the operating tests.

Technical service: Allow you to view the tasks assigned to each technical user. By clicking on any service order, it will be possible to view the information associated with the service order, that is, it will allow you to consult the account data, the type of service to be performed and the schedule of the visit.

Outstanding features:


Service Details: Allows you to verify information about view coordination.



Visit: Allows you to check the reference information about the visit and the means of transfer to the place where the order is to be executed.




Observations: Allows you to make notes on any technical service order that is active.




Events: Displays the last alarm events logged to the account to which the order was assigned.




Map: Allows you to check the location of the target where the service tasks will be performed.



On the way: Allows you to change the status of the selected order to “On the way”. The “On the way” status may be used to notify the monitoring center of the proximity of the technical staff to the target.



End Technical Service: Allows you to change the status of the order to “Completed”. Once the order is complete, you will no longer be able to add information such as observations or claims. Service is terminated with the customer’s digital signature.



The modules that can be associated with the user that will use the TecGuard application are the Web Dealer module to be able to manage and verify the monitoring accounts and the Technical Service module to be able to manage all the tasks or technical orders that are assigned from the monitoring center.